TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - electrical connector cleaning + gluing ripped rubber?
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Subject electrical connector cleaning + gluing ripped rubber?
Posted by burntclutch on February 14, 2016 at 5:24 PM
  This message has been viewed 350 times.
Message Hey guys,

Could I glue together ripped areas on rubber hoses covering wires and connectors and what not (like this one [ ]), or is there a better way to put them back together? The previous owner glued one of them but after a few months the glue came off and the wires were visible again.

Also, how thorough should I be with electrical connectors? A few that I pulled apart were green so I took a file, QD, and dielectric grease and cleaned them out, but I couldn't get them to look 100% clean. Eventually got to a point where I started to be worried that if I kept going the connections wouldn't fit anymore since they were filed down. If the connector is around 95-99% clean and corrosion free, and I fill it with dielectric grease, should it be good for the next year or two? Or should I aim to get them shiny as new?

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